Journal of Innovative Physics Teaching 2024-06-25T04:45:04+00:00 Prof. Dr. Asrizal, M.Si Open Journal Systems Journal of Innovative Physics Teaching (JIPT) Fostering Environmental Literacy through Innovative Learning: Using PBL-based Science E-books Integrated with Local Potential of Rawa Bento 2024-04-22T00:31:04+00:00 aditya fahlevi Jumadi Jumadi Insih Wilujeng Galuh Titisari <p><em>Students' poor environmental literacy is a problem that has to be fixed. This research is important because low environmental literacy among students can negatively impact their ability to understand and address environmental issues in the future. This study looked at how students' environmental literacy levels changed after using the PBL-based Rawa Bento integrated science e-book in learning. This study aims to evaluate the effect of using PBL-based Rawa Bento integrated science e-books on students' environmental literacy. This study involved grade VII students at SMPN 6 Yogyakarta with a quasi-experimental design. There are two research groups: the modeling group and the implementation group. Both groups received science learning using the PBL-based Rawa Bento integrated science e-book. Multiple-choice exams were used to collect data on environmental literacy, which SPSS 21 was then used to analyze. The results showed that in the modeling group, before and after learning, there was no discernible difference in environmental literacy. However, in the implementation group, there were significant differences and the size of the effect was moderate.</em></p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 aditya fahlevi, Jumadi Jumadi, Insih Wilujeng, Galuh Titisari Effects of Using Student Worksheets Integrated With Context-Based Learning Videos on Collaboration and Science Communication Skills Students 2024-04-22T00:30:38+00:00 kurnia febrianti Desnita Desnita <p><em>Collaboration and science communication are skills that are needed and must be possessed by students. In reality, students are less trained to work together and express ideas well, so students' science collaboration and communication skills are still weak. Therefore, student worksheets integrated with context-based learning videos are used as a solution. This study aims to see the influence of using student worksheets integrated with context-based learning videos on improving students' collaboration skills and science communication skills. Students of class XI IPA 3 at SMAN 3 Payakumbuh were used as the research sample. The instruments used were observation sheets on collaboration and science communication skills. The results of the data analysis showed: 1) there was an increase in students' collaboration skills score from 40.29 to 85.59 with an excellent category, and 2) there was an increase in students' science communication skills score from 40.29 to 76.91 with a good category. Based on the t-test conducted, there is a positive effect of using student worksheets integrated with context-based learning videos on students' collaboration and science communication skills.</em></p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 kurnia febrianti, Desnita Development of Interactive Learning Media Using the Lectora Application to Enhance Student’s Critical and Creative Thinking Skills 2024-04-22T00:26:24+00:00 Deby Marlina Silvi Yulia Sari Fanny Rahmatina Rahim <p><em>The Development of Interactive Learning Media in the 2013 Curriculum is a government effort to ensure that students have 21st-century skills. The goal of the conducted research is to develop valid interactive learning media on the topic of Newton's Law of Gravity. A field study revealed that students' critical and creative thinking skills in Newton's Law of Gravity were still low. Therefore, the existing problem was addressed by producing a product in the form of integrated learning media that fostered critical and creative thinking skills for high school students. The research conducted followed the Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach using the ADDIE model, which was reduced to the Implementation stage. Three Physics lecturers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education at State University of Padang (UNP) were involved in this research as validators, along with six Physics teachers from Padang City as practitioners. Validity test sheets were used as the data collection instrument in this research. During the data analysis phase, instrument validation and product validation were performed using the V Aiken Model Technique. The research results showed that the validated development instrument for the product category was valid. The average validity test score for the product was 0.79, which falls into the valid category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the interactive learning media developed in this study is considered valid. </em></p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Deby Marlina, Silvi Yulia Sari, Fanny Rahmatina Rahim Application of Differentiated Learning Through the Use of Interactive Multimedia to Promote Students' Scientific Literacy 2024-04-22T00:30:01+00:00 Revielni Sandra Asrizal Werina Werina <p><em>Scientific literacy skills are an ability needed to face the 21st century. Scientific literacy is defined as the ability to know, complete, convey and apply science in everyday life. Scientific literacy skills make it easy for students to solve issues that occur in real life using scientific methods. The aim of this research is to improve students' scientific literacy skills by utilizing differentiated learning using interactive multimedia. The type of research carried out was classroom action research using the Kemmis and McTaggart model which was carried out in two cycles. Classroom action research consists of 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research was conducted in the research subjects were students in class X.E.1 at SMA Negeri 3 Padang, totaling 36 students. The research results show that there is an increase in students' scientific literacy skills by implementing differentiated learning using interactive multimedia. The application of differentiated learning lies in the content and products presented using interactive multimedia which are based on students' learning readiness and interests.</em></p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revielni Sandra, Asrizal, Werina Design of E-book Chapter on Impulse Momentum and Collision Materials Oriented CBR and Integrated 4C 2024-06-05T04:01:54+00:00 Nabilah Iffah Azzahra Fanny Rahmatina Rahim Amali Putra Silvi Yulia Sari <table width="605"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="400"> <p><em>As technology develops, developments in the education sector are also made to keep pace. One effort that can be made to develop education is to implement education that is integrated with 4C (Critical Thinking, Creative, Communication, and Collaboration) and using a case based reasoning (CBR) approach. Based on data found in the field, schools that have not implemented 4C in learning have learning outcomes that are still relatively low, so an e-book chapter was designed on integrated 4C CBR-oriented momentum and collision material for class X. This research aims to develop an electronic book 4C oriented which integrates CBR in physics subjects in class . This research was carried out using the ADDIE development model which consists of the Analysis, Design, Development and Evaluation stages. Each stage can be evaluated if necessary. The results of the study obtained data on the validity of the contents and constructs of the product by experts as well as the results of the practicality test in schools filled by physics subject teachers and class X students. The validation results carried out by the validator stated that the results of the e-book chapter product design were in the very category. So the product is valid.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 nabilah iffah azzahra, Fanny Rahmatina Rahim, Amali Putra, Silvi Yulia Sari Bibliometric Analysis: Using E-Modules Based on Project Based Learning in Physics Learning 2024-06-12T05:47:25+00:00 Intan Purnama Yani Festiyed Festiyed Asrizal Asrizal <p>E-modules or electronic modules are modules in digital form, consisting of text, images, even both containing digital electronic material accompanied by simulations that can and are suitable for use in learning. The aim of this research is to see the extent of the development of research on e-modules based on project-based learning in Physics subjects. The research method used in this article is bibliometric analysis using VOSViewer software. The publication data comes from searches on the Publish or Perish software based on relevant keywords in Google Scholar indexed journals. There are 200 articles that are relevant to the keywords entered. Research on E-modules based on project-based learning needs to be improved to determine the level of success of students in mastering Physics lessons and project-based learning study topics have great potential to be explored and can be combined with various fields to make this research unique.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Purnama Yani, Festiyed, Asrizal Analysis of the Development of Augmented Reality Based Learning Media on High School Physics Material 2024-06-05T04:04:20+00:00 M. Al Fadhiel Fatni Mufit <p>One of the purposes of using information and communication technology is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. One technology that can be used is augmented reality (AR) technology. One innovation that can be developed is the development of AR-based learning media. This research discusses the effectiveness of developing Augmented Reality (AR)-based learning media in an effort to increase students' understanding of high school physics material. To measure the level of effectiveness, it is seen from the results of the Validation Test from material experts, media experts, as well as responses from surveys conducted among practitioners. This research is due to students' low understanding in studying physics material which is very difficult to imagine or understand because the concepts are abstract. Therefore, there is a need for innovative learning media so that abstract physics concepts can be explained by visualizing them using Augmented Reality (AR). The research method used was a quantitative approach and literature study as a data collection method. This research took 10 references related to research objectives published from 2017 to 2023. From the analysis carried out, it was found that the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in physics learning can improve students' understanding abilities in physics learning.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Al Fadhiel, Fatni Mufit Development of a HOTS Indicator Availability Test Instrument for Instructional Media 2024-06-05T04:05:35+00:00 Miftahurrahmi Rahmi Fanny Rahmatina Rahim Silvi Yulia Sari Murtiani Murtiani <p>The 21st century demands reforms in education, especially in developing HOTS abilities. Based on observation data at SMAN Kota Padang, students' learning achievements that contain HOTS indicators have not been implemented well. The solution is to develop an instrument to test the availability of HOTS indicators in learning media. The research aims to produce an instrument for the availability of HOTS indicators in learning media. The development model for this research is the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation). The use of the ADDIE development model is only limited to the development stage. The first stage is to conduct a needs analysis through questionnaires and interviews. The second stage is designing instrument indicators. Next, instruments are developed based on indicators. The third stage is testing the validity of the instrument. The instrument was validated by three experts from Physics lecturers at Padang State University. The results of the validity test obtained a valid instrument. Therefore, this instrument is suitable to be used to analyze the availability of HOTS indicators in the media.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Miftahurrahmi Rahmi, Fanny Rahmatina Rahim, Silvi Yulia Sari, Murtiani